
Posts Tagged ‘social media’

“Starting soon, your stats page will be on the homepage only”

If you use the blogging service you may have seen this notification already “Starting soon, your stats page will be on the homepage only“, but have you tried the new stats page? I did and it is great. More information, easy to navigate and it looks fantastic. Of course you can still see the “views all-time”, the “views today” and the “views on the busiest day” as well as switching the statistic from “Days” to “Weeks” or to “Months”, but now you can also see for example “Views by Country”, which you can find below the overall statistic.

Before I go into more detail what kind of information you can find below the overall statistic I would like to mention a cool feature. The new WordPress stats page allows you to arrange as well as minimize your extra stats boxes. So you can decide which information are more important to you and need to be directly under the overall statistic and which details can be further below.

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The new Facebook Page Timeline

As you may have noticed since the 30th March 2012 Facebook changed all Facebook Pages to the new Timeline format. If this was a good decision is something I don’t know. I personally was excited when I first saw the announcement and changed two pages, I am the administrator for, to the new format, without knowing what I am getting myself into. Soon after the change I did realize some good and also some, in my opinion, bad changes that would effect the Facebook Pages I administrate.

For the better I must say that the overall design is much nicer, well at least that is my opinion. I also like the fact that you can have a big picture on the top and a smaller picture as your profile picture. This is great because now you can create or choose a very nice image for the top and for example your Logo as your profile image. The only downside is that you can not really create a nice Banner which you can also use to advertise your stuff… This made me wonder why Facebook did not allow to do this. I mean it is the Facebook page of your business, isn’t it?

Which brings me to the downside of the new Facebook Page Timeline…

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Link Exchange (Part 2) – Simok33′s SEO Tips

In my last post about link exchange I mentioned what you shouldn’t do. Today I would like to tell you what you can do.

As mentioned in my last post, bad link exchange isn’t good for your site. In fact, it can even harm your site. But you also have to know that link exchange is very important. This leads us into kind of a dilemma, because how do we know if a link exchange is good or bad?

Well let me try to answer this question with one easy and more or less “general rule”.

Imagine your best friend is visiting you, new in town and would ask you where to go for dinner. You wouldn’t recommend a bad restaurant, right? You would tell him, based on your experience, which restaurant your friend should go to. And because you know your friend very well, so you would even know what kind of restaurant to choose.

Let us try to put that into the online world, because the situation is similar.

Let’s say you come across a website that offers link exchange for free. Read more…

Social media to increase patient safety?

July 11, 2011 2 comments

Patient Safety First BCSocial media has accomplished a lot of things; created celebrities, added dictionary entries, and provided billion dollar valuations. But did you ever imagine that social media would increase your safety as a patient?

The latest project that I am working on is Patient Safety First BC, and it intends to do just that.

Patient Safety First BC is a public awareness initiative in support of a regulatory college for Medical Radiation and Laboratory Technicians (MRTs and MLTs respectively). These are the people performing MRIs, CT scans, blood tests and more, and yet they are not licensed to practice in BC by a regulatory body. When I have my health at stake, I want to be certain that only the most qualified individuals perform my tests. A regulatory college will ensure that this is always the case.

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